DL-Learner Build 2010-08-07 released


we [1] are happy to announce the next release of DL-Learner [2], a tool 
for learning OWL class expressions [3] from examples and background 
knowledge. It extends Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) to Description 
Logics and the Semantic Web. The tool has matured over the past 3 years 
and is meanwhile used in a number of applications. Some features of this 
release are:

   * support for OWL API 3 and OWL 2
   * ORE (ontology repair and enrichment) tool based on DL-Learner
     algorithms (soon to be migrated to an own project)
   * several new heuristics, e.g. generalised F-Measure, and efficient
     stochastic heuristic approximation methods
   * learning algorithms for the EL description logic
   * support for hasValue construct in combination with string datatype
   * support for refining existing definitions (instead of learning from
     scratch) for CELOE ontology engineering algorithm
   * support for direct Pellet 2 integration and reasoners connected via
   * more unit tests, bug fixes and features

DL-Learner can be used to:

   * solve general supervised Machine Learning problems using ontologies
     as background knowledge (given as OWL files, SPARQL endpoints,
     etc.), e.g. it was used to predict whether chemicals can cause
     cancer [4]
   * help knowledge engineers by learning definitions and subclass
     axioms (see the Protege plugin [5] and OntoWiki plugin)
   * generating user recommendations when browsing knowledge bases

I’d like to thank all contributors, in particular active developers and 
everyone who sent us valuable feedback.

The tool can be be downloaded at [6].

Kind regards,

Jens Lehmann

[1] http://aksw.org
[2] http://dl-learner.org
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-syntax/#Class_Expressions
[4] http://dl-learner.org/wiki/Carcinogenesis
[5] http://dl-learner.org/wiki/ProtegePlugin

Dipl. Inf. Jens Lehmann
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Homepage: http://www.jens-lehmann.org
GPG Key: http://jens-lehmann.org/jens_lehmann.asc

Received on Saturday, 7 August 2010 12:21:11 UTC