Re: call to arms

In message 
<>, Dan 
Brickley <> writes
>When I think about linked information these days, I see three major flavours:
>* information in classic document form (analog stuff made of bits;
>human-oriented prose, video, imagery)
>* information in source-attributed RDF claims (aka Linked Data, quads, etc)
>* information in people's heads

I suggest that there is an important breakdown within the "classic 
document form" flavour, into machine-processible (e.g. XHTML, 
application-specific XML) and machine-opaque (HTML, images, video).

>For me, the RDFWeb/FOAF story I think has always been about the 3-way
>relationship between these different equally important ways of
>learning about the world. Linked people *and* linked information.
>You can think of lots of aspects of SemWeb as positioned as edges of
>this simple triangle where the nodes are the categories above. RDF
>syntaxes, GRDDL for microformats, RDFa, Adobe XMP, ebook metadata,
>Dublin Core etc are often links between classic document forms and RDF
>quads. Sometimes RDF quads are more to summarise what the document
>says about the world; other times they are to help find it. Similarly,
>provenance, authorship and other people-describing RDF, also
>people-describing non-RDF information, can all help us to find whose
>*head* might have the right information. A YouTube video can capture
>something of a person's subjective knowledge of the world and put it
>out there in document form for others to find; tags and RDF stuff can
>help others find that video and either learn directly or get in touch.
>SemWeb people (all of us) can easily focus only on one of these forms
>of information, at the expense not only of the other two, but their
>rich interconnections. Machine-unfriendly video, images, audio or .xls
>files can still be very useful, and the 'RDF as metadata about files'
>use case is one we too easily neglect.

All true and useful, but once your machine lookup has resolved to a 
"document form", it can do further processing on a processible resource, 
e.g. to check its relevance, or extract a summary from it to incorporate 
within a larger response.  All it can do with an opaque source is lob it 
back to the human reader "as found", for them to make of what they will.

Richard Light

Received on Monday, 19 April 2010 09:41:26 UTC