Re: Vocabulary re-use

Many thanks for everyone's thoughts and advice.

Benjamin Nowack wrote:

> I think it's also a good practice to get in touch with ontology
> creators in case there is no perfect match. These are still the
> early days and most vocabularies are not set in stone.

This seems like an important point.  Using new data sets to help push 
against current vocabularies and strengthen them for a wider variety of 
use cases will benefit many, perhaps creating a win-win for data 
publishers by giving them robust, preexisting vocabularies so they can 
speak in a language application developers might already understand.  Of 
course, there's a limit to how much a specific vocabulary can be 
stretched to accommodate different data models but in general, this 
approach could be a service to the Semantic Web.



Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2009 21:03:44 UTC