Re: tweet2rdf vocabulary convergence


On 29 Sep 2009, at 05:46, Joshua Shinavier wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 5:35 AM, Benjamin Nowack  
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Morton Swimmer suggested that there might be broader interest to talk
>> a bit about RDF extracted from tweets, so here we go:
> [...]
> Hi everyone,
> Great discussion, and very timely for me, too (I'm building a service,
> called TwitLogic, for real-time search on structured data harvested
> via nano-,picoformats and the Twitter streaming API -- paper and demo
> coming soon).  I'd like to add a note on representing data *embedded
> in* tweets, as opposed to data strictly *about* tweets.
> As I see it, there are a few distinct kinds of structured data to be
> gotten from Twitter:
> 1) Twitter-generated data about users
> 2) Twitter-generated data about tweets
> 3) user-embedded data about tweets
> 4) user-embedded data about everything else
> Most of this thread has been about bits of vocabulary for expressing
> #1 and (especially) #2: authoritative information about Twitter users
> and individual microblog posts provided by Twitter through its API,
> RSS feeds, etc.  #3 is also about individual microblog posts, but
> requires some trust in the user who embeds the data and the parser
> which interprets it.  #4 is data about *anything* -- the location of
> an airport, whether or not you like Obama, the fact that @romeo loves
> @juliet, etc. -- expressed in general-purpose formats like Twitter
> Data and MicroTurtle.

Indeed, interesting (and useful) distinction.

> So... I'd like to suggest that this vocab cloud should also include a
> property for the relationship between user-generated information and
> the tweets it is derived from: something like the Web of Belief
> ontology's "hasSourceDocument" (which relates a graph reference with a
> Semantic Web document) but with a range of sioc:Post, foaf:Document or
> such, so an application like mine can link up user-generated
> descriptions with tweets described by some of these other services.
> Having looked through a few provenance-related ontologies (WOB Core,
> PML Trust, CWM Reason), I have not yet seen anything that entirely
> fits.  Thoughts?

I've worked more than a year ago on a semantic wiki prototype in which  
I included such a property, named embedsKnowledge, to link a sioc:Item  
to a named graph.
I used it to track the provenance of each statement in the wiki, and  
in SPARQL queries, see some details at [1] and also online at [2]

It was on the SIOC todo list, so it might be timely to add it now as  
it seems there are more use-cases in which it can be useful.

I was yet not aware of the hasSourceDocument property, do you have a  
link to its spec ?




> Best regards,
> Josh
> Joshua Shinavier
> Tetherless World Constellation PhD student
> Troy, NY (USA)
> +1 509 570 6990

Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2009 07:07:11 UTC