Re: tweet2rdf vocabulary convergence

On 28.09.2009 13:56:27, Alexandre Passant wrote:
>One issue with dc:subject is that is strictly refers to something  
>which is the "subject" of the post, not only a topic.
yeah, just borrowing from rss here. Any simple datatype property
(domain: anything / range: literal) should do. I'd just like to avoid
the complexity of the various tagging ontologies. Those can still be
used afterwards, for aggregations and stuff, but I'd rather keep the 
initial source simple, "as-is" (if possible), and sparql-friendly 
(i.e. flat).

>>      * dc:creator for the author name
>What about foaf:maker / sioc:has_creator in addition here, in order to  
>provide interlinking rather than just plain-text author information
see below ;) the plain text should be preserved, too, though.
>> * author stuff
>>      * dct:creator for author resource (profile vs person issue?)
>>      * sioc:has_creator for author profile/account URL

>> * derived stats?
>>      * number of re-tweets
>>      * number of url posts
>There are num_replies / num_views in SIOC that can be used for such  
ah, cool, good to know. Re-tweets are not replies and multi-tweeted 
URLs not views, though. Anything in sioc for those cases?
Hmm, I guess we could infer that a re-tweet implies a view...

>> * client app (needed? there's twitter:source, but has html)
>I'd suggest "admin:generatorAgent" here [3], as in some FOAF-builders  
>such as foaf-o-matic [4]
ah right. +1

>> * ratings (if so, which notation?)
>What about the review vocabulary and its review:rating property [5] ?
>A question might be to find mappings between user syntax and such  
+1, I'm using the rev vocab, too. When I encounter a *-rating,
I'm currently adding an additional rev:Review type to the rss item.
Works just fine for later sparqling.

>> * group ( uses !group, but doesn't have rdf, I think)
>Might sioc:UserGroup or foaf:Group be used here for groups of users /  
>people ?
>If the group needs to support not only people but also tweets, topics,  
>etc. sioc:Community can be well-suited
yeah, sioc:Community could work nicely.

>Hope that helps,
It does, thanks!


>> Benji
>> --
>> Benjamin Nowack
>>> Cheers,
>>>     Michael
>>> --
>>> Dr. Michael Hausenblas
>>> LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
>>> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>>> NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
>>> Ireland, Europe
>>> Tel. +353 91 495730
>>>> From: Benjamin Nowack <>
>>>> Organization:
>>>> Reply-To: Benjamin Nowack <>
>>>> Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 11:35:53 +0200
>>>> To: Semantic Web community <>
>>>> Subject: tweet2rdf vocabulary convergence
>>>> Resent-From: Semantic Web community <>
>>>> Resent-Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:36:31 +0000
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Morton Swimmer suggested that there might be broader interest to  
>>>> talk
>>>> a bit about RDF extracted from tweets, so here we go:
>>>> There are multiple tools and services that convert twitter profiles
>>>> and contacts to RDF (e.g semantictweet[1] or knowee), I think they  
>>>> all
>>>> mostly re-use stuff from FOAF and don't really need new terms.
>>>> But there are also tools that convert individual tweets to RDF
>>>> (I think Tom Morris had code. smesher is another example), or the
>>>> other way round (e.g. SMOB). Streams can nicely be grounded in RSS,
>>>> possibly with an additional sioc:MicroblogPost type, but what about
>>>> the semi-structured data? Should we try to create a shared vocab for
>>>> such in-tweet data (recipient, mentioned people, author-avatar/ 
>>>> profile,
>>>> tags, machine tags, short urls, expanded urls, re-tweets, vias,
>>>> embedded Linked Data URIs, groups, DM, ...)?
>>>> I've been playing a bit with in-tweet structures[2] a while ago, but
>>>> so far mainly made up app-specific terms. For a new project, I'm
>>>> extracting ratings and moods (via evolving patterns similar to
>>>> nanoformats [3], twitterdata[4], or simple word lists). I'm again
>>>> making up one-off terms here, too, and could surely benefit from a
>>>> more stable vocab.
>>>> Anyone interested in exploring this a little further? VoCamp near
>>>> Düsseldorf or Amsterdam, maybe? ;)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Benji
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>>> [4]
>>>> --
>>>> Benjamin Nowack
>Dr. Alexandre Passant
>Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>National University of Ireland, Galway
>:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Monday, 28 September 2009 13:25:10 UTC