Semweb version of EUROVOC?


Eurovoc [1] is a multilingual thesaurus covering the fields in which
the European Communities are active; it provides a means of indexing
the documents in the documentation systems of the European
institutions and elsewhere. As such it would make an excellent
candidate to use in semantic web scenarios.

I am the project manager for the national legal information system of
Sweden. We are looking into possibilities of capturing keyword terms
for e.g. a law and would like to recommend the use of a controlled
vocabulary. As Eurovoc is translated into many languages a mapping
from a member state law to eurovoc would enable retrieval of a law by
e.g. the greek version of the term. Even if the law would be in
Swedish it makes it possible to get information about the responsible
government authority who could provide further assistance (the power
of linked data).

This could make it easier to develop the EU internal market in line
with the Services directive [2].

Does anyone here know if there is any work being done to provide
Eurovoc in a proper format possible to use in semantic web scenarios
(e.g. dereferencable URI:s for terms as SKOS)?

Kind regards,

Peter Krantz


Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2009 08:59:04 UTC