Soliciting (more) favorite SPARQL queries

Last summer I asked around to gather favorite SPARQL queries to help me 
put together a SPARQL By Example tutorial/presentation. The only 
criterion was that the queries need to be runnable on the Web today. 
(i.e., no theoretic queries and no queries that rely on private data sets)

A bunch of people responded with some great queries, and the result was 
the set of slides at [1].

I'll be giving a version of this talk as a tutorial at SemTech in a 
couple of weeks, and in preparation for that I'm going through and 
updating some of the queries[2], adding some more ones, etc. To that 
end, I wanted to turn to the community once again to ask if people have 
any new, interesting SPARQL queries or SPARQL'able data sets that they 
might care to share.

I welcome simple queries or complex queries, as well as interesting data 
sets with SPARQL endpoints, even without specific queries. Of course, 
I'll be contributing the results back to the community for others to 
(hopefully) benefit from.

In addition to queries that use only standard SPARQL, I'm also 
interested in queries that use implementation-specific extensions, 
particularly if they involve capabilities that the SPARQL 2 Working 
Group is working to standardize[3].

thanks very much!


[2] Somehow a query about Senators McCain and Obama's voting records 
seems a bit less relevant now.


Received on Monday, 1 June 2009 06:44:36 UTC