Re: - live views on the web of data

Looks really cool!


On 23.07.2009 01:58:28, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
>Dear Web of Data enthusiasts,
>we are very happy to share with you today the first public version of
>Sigma, ,  a browser, a mashup engine and an API for the
>web of data.
>here is blog post with screencast, sample "sigma" embedded mashup etc.
> is heavily based on Sindice but also takes important hints from
>Yahoo BOSS,  the OKKAM service and likely several others soon
>Giovanni, also on behalf of all -  Michele Catasta, Richard Cyganiak
>and Szymon Danielczyk who worked specifically on this but also
>.. and of the Data Intensive Infrastructure Group, DERI as a whole.

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 10:31:03 UTC