ANN: D2R Server and D2RQ V0.6 released.

Hi all,

we are happy to announce the release of D2R Server and D2RQ Version 0.6 and
recommend all users to replace old installations with the new release.

The new release features:

1. significantly better performance due to an improved SPARQL-to-SQL
rewriting algorithm. First experiments with the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark
showed a factor 7 speedup.
2. D2R Server now supports dereferencing vocabulary URIs and the publication
of vocabulary mappings such as owl:equivialentClass.
3. Oracle and PostgreSQL support. Beside of MySQL, we tested the new release
with Oracle and PostgreSQL as underlying RDBMS using the Berlin SPARQL
Benchmark qualification test.
4. lots of minor and mayor bug fixes.

More information about the tools is found on the

1. D2RQ Platform website:
2. D2R Server website:

The new releases can be downloaded from Sourceforge

Lots of thanks for their magnificent work to:

1. Andreas Langegger and Herwig Leimer (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
for optimizing the SPARQL-to-SQL rewriting algorithm.
2. Christian Becker (Freie Universität Berlin) for his work on vocabulary
serving in D2R Server, fixing various bugs, testing V0.6 with Oracle and
PostgreSQL, and putting the V0.6 release together. 
2. Richard Cyganiak (DERI Galway / Freie Universität Berlin) for
coordinating the work around the release, fixing lots of bugs, and
supporting the user community on the D2RQ mailing list for the last 2 years.

Please send feedback about the new release to the D2RQ and D2R Server
mailing list

Have fun with D2RQ and D2R Server!



Chris Bizer
Web-based Systems Group
Freie Universität Berlin
+49 30 838 55509

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2009 17:14:29 UTC