Re: web to semantic web : an automated approach

There is a W3C Incubator group that is working on RDB2RDF[1]

There are also a lot of wrapper systems like D2RQ, but it involves mapping

Other options to make it automatic is to consider direct mapping, which
generates RDF automatically from RDB. [2]


Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student

Research Assistant
Dept. of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin

Semantic Web in Austin:

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 3:55 AM, Andreas Langegger <> wrote:

> Hi,
> it's all happening, but it's not so easy as one may think in the first
> place.
> Basically there are multiple sources of structured/interlinked information
> (A) and multiple ways of how to expose (B) linked data on the Web.
> (A)
> 1. generated (wrapped) from information systems (RDBMS, etc) => needs
> mapping
> 2. user-generated (natively RDF-based systems, Semantic Wikis, etc.) =>
> already in the right form
> 3. extracted (AI, heuristics, cypher, etc. - different levels of
> granularity; difficult, sometimes wrong)
> (B)1. RDF documents
> 2. SPARQL endpoints
> 3. embedded into HTML (RDFa)
> The Linked Data Community project plays an important role regarding A1 and
> A2. A3 is cumbersome and may produce wrong links and information - a
> nightmare without implicit support for provenance. In corporate environments
> A3 is already very popular, but in the broader Web-scale I'm a bit sceptical
> this will work well. What do you tink?
> Regards,
> AndyL
> On Oct 20, 2008, at 10:35 AM, Kannan Rajkumar wrote:
> Hi Mr. Ravinder
> It is a nice idea, why cannot we transform web content to semantic web
> content.
> This is a necessity and will avoid regeneration of web content as semantic
> web data.
> Even I am focusing in this direction.
> With regards,
> Dr. Rajkumar Kannan
> Associate Professor
> Dept. of Computer Science
> Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, TN, India
> URL:<>
> ===================================================
> On 10/20/08, रविंदर ठाकुर (ravinder thakur) <>
> wrote:
>> any thoughts on this...
>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 12:38 AM, ravinder thakur <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello friends,
>>> I have been following semantic web for some time now and have seen quite
>>> a lot of projects being run (dbpedia, FOAF etc) trying to generate some
>>> semantic content. While these approaches might have been successful in their
>>> goals, one major problem plaguing semantic web as a whole is the lack of
>>> semantic content. Unfortunately there is nothing in sight that we can rely
>>> on to generate semantic content for the truckloads of information being put
>>> on web everyday. I think one of the _wrong_ assumption in semantic web
>>> community is that content creators will be creating a semantic data which I
>>> think is too much for the asking from even more technically sound part of
>>> web community let along whole of the web community. It hasn't happened over
>>> last so many years and I don't see it happening in the near future.
>>> I think what we need to move the semantic web forward is a mechanism to
>>> _automatcially_ convert the information over the web to semantic
>>> information. There are many softwares/services that can be used for this
>>> purpose. I am currently developing one prototype for this purpose. This
>>> prototype uses services from OpenCalais( to
>>> convert ordinary text to semantic form. This service is very limited in what
>>> entities supports at the moment but its a very good start. I am pretty sure
>>> there will be many other good options available that might be unknown to me.
>>> The currently very primitive prototype can be seen at
>>> This currently implements very few of the
>>> ideas I have for this. This is hosted on Google's AppEngine so sometime
>>> gives timeout messages internally so please bear with this :).
>>> This automatic conversion however is not a simple task and needs work in
>>> lot in domains ranging form NLP to artificial intelligence to semantic web
>>> to logic etc. So thats why this mail. I will be more than happy if we can
>>> join together to form a like minded team that can work on solving this most
>>> important problem plaguing semantic web currently.
>>> Waiting for your suggestions/criticisms
>>> Ravinder Thakur
> Web of Data Practitioners Days / Oct 22-23 / Vienna
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Andreas Langegger
> Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing
> Johannes Kepler University Linz
> A-4040 Linz, Altenberger Straße 69

Received on Monday, 20 October 2008 17:44:40 UTC