Re: web to semantic web : an automated approach

>>>>What sort of stuff does a linked-data space enable? What sorts of
>>>>things can you _do_ with a linked data graph that you couldn't do
A lot depends upon the kind of data we have. Assuming we have the requisite
data i would expect best system to give answers to queries like "world
population in 1968" as  3.5 billion and not something like
current best system). How good and confident a system is which says he
has found *489,000* matches for a simple one word question like this. The
reason for this is the underlying architecture used to process the data.
Unless that architecture is moved form a word analysis based system(pagerank
etc) to one based on meaning (SW) there isn't much scope to improve.

>>>>Where are the real, working, non-hypothetical applications I
>>>>can play with now that use say the linked-open-data space?.
There isn't any real semantic web application that i know of. Please do let
me know if anyone knows one.

>>>>How do we get people excited enough about these things to invest the
time in
>>>> making their data assets available in this way on the web? These are
>>>>the questions I personally need help with.
The point is data owners wont be doing it unless they find some monetary
benefit in this. One or two might share, but there will always be a bigger
proportion that wont be sharing their data. But the point is why should we
wait for others to share their data. Why not create our own semantic data ?
If the approach of convincing people to share their data is not working why
not take the other one or even better why not use both the approaches. We
only stand to gain with these approaches.

Received on Monday, 20 October 2008 14:44:59 UTC