Re: three-tier semantic web application (formerly semantic web tools in a shared hosting environment)

> Have you seen quercus? [1]

didn't know it. Resin looks also interesting. However, the problem is  
probably getting Drupal (a php app framework) running with quercus.

> Despite you concerns I think something like sparql update would be  
> better -- then there a number of java and non-java options for you.

maybe you are right and I should really try a little performance test.  
Another problem is, that in a three-tier scenario the store must also  
support transactions. If I use HTTP/SOAP with update extension I could  
use any store that supports transactions.

I've checked various options and to sum it up, either I'll use the php- 
java bridge [1] or SPARQL over HTTP which is probably a bit slow.
Here are the options I was thinking of:

* using Mulgara + SOAP (maybe slower than the java bridge)
* using Mulgara + php-java-bridge (keeps concurrent persistent  
connections to multiple JVMs)
* using Jena + php-java-bridge
* using Jena + http/SPARQL+SPARUL or php's soap extension and Axis
* using redland, which has both, Java and PHP language bindings but I  
didn't find out whether it supports transactions, does anybode know  
more about this?
* using sesame + Phesame, but this also uses HTTP calls
* using sesame + php-java-bridge

You should know, that the php application will heavily make use of the  
RDF store, so there may be several queries for each request. I don't  
want to rely on caching in the first place. Probably the best option  
is the java bridge, but I don't know much about it yet, especially how  
reliable it is.

Best regards,


Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Andreas Langegger
Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing
Johannes Kepler University Linz
A-4040 Linz, Altenberger Straße 69

Received on Saturday, 15 March 2008 14:31:13 UTC