On Jun 12, 2008, at 12:59 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:

> Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>> It's OWL, but not OWL-DL.
>> I would very much like there to be an OWL-DL version too, or at  
>> least to factor it into two components - an OWL-DL portion, and a  
>> set of further axioms that are imported by OWL full users.
> I've wondered about how best to do this: are there any discovery  
> conventions for finding an OWL DL flavour of a vocabulary which  
> otherwise also has OWL Full variants at the namespace URI? Or vice- 
> versa? Could eg. editors read HTML or RDF/XML from the namespace  
> URI, poke around and find the URL to a pure DL subset?

I'd just publish the DL version at a known location, the full at the  
standard location, and use owl:imports to include the DL version in  
the Full version.

In OWL 2 you will be able to say something like:

import foaf (specifying the standard URI)
versioninfo foaf-dl (specifying the location of the DL) version.

or simply (and perhaps better)
import foaf-dl

On the question of discovery, I'm not aware of a mechanism, but it  
may be worth thinking about. But there shouldn't be a block to  
proceeding in the manner I suggest for the moment.


> Dan
> --

Received on Friday, 13 June 2008 14:24:01 UTC