OWL-DL and linked data

So I have been spending a lot of time recently trying to work out how
to use OWL-DL ontologies and linked data properties effectively.  The
OWL-DL has properties like rdfs:seeAlso and rdfs:isDefinedBy but these
are annotation properties, which aren't extensible (can't be made
sub-properties).  There seems to be a hole in these properties - I'd
like to have something that indicates that something is defined by
(authoritative) but isn't RDF.  To put it another way, I think what I
want to do is reuse dc:identifier or something that would indicate
that the object of a statement (which is a document HTML or PDF)
defines the subject.

I'd like to reuse them in the same way that you can in RDFS - so if
you look at RSS 1, FOAF and SIOC, they can all reuse and extend these
kinds of properties freely.  Annotation properties seem like a good
idea but they seem to hamper extensibility (but I think I understand
why they are like that).

I think I understand the usefulness of annotation properties, the
ideas of the above properties but I have a feeling that the answer is
obvious and that I just haven't come across the correct answer.

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2008 00:53:18 UTC