Re: Atom Triples Internet Draft

On 3 Jul 2008, at 21:12, Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) wrote:
>> From: Story Henry <>
>> [ . . . ]
>> Clearly that atom in the content has to be interpreted as a literal,
>> otherwise a feed with a number of entries saying contradictory things
>> could produce on GRDDL extraction a nonsensical graph.
> Would named graphs help here, i.e., having one named graph per entry?

Well one named graph per content would be more precise. Since there is  
one content per entry, that also comes down to one per entry of  
course. But that is exactly what the N3 [1] example I gave and which I  
have reproduced below says.

@prefix : <>

[] a :Entry;
   :title "syndeocms Project";
   :alternate <>;
   :id ""^^xsd:anyURI;
   :updated "2007-12-13T18:30:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
   :summary "Some text";
   :content {
       @prefix doap: <> .

       <> a doap:Project;
                               doap:name "Project 1" .

The content of the curly brackets '{' '}' above refers to anonymous  
graphs, which if you were to give them a name would be your named  

the :content relation is defined in atomOwl as a relation to a  
Content, which you can think of as a literal. N3 literals have a  
log:semantics, so in the above I just wrote it out as a shorthand.  
Really I should have create a new :contentSemantics relations which  
would be defined as

{ ?entry :content ?c . ?c log:semantics ?sem } => { ? 
entry :contentSem ?sem } .

and I should have written the entry like this

[] a :Entry;
    :contentSemantics {
       @prefix doap: <> .

       <> a doap:Project;
                               doap:name "Project 1" .


[1]   see the section on Rules of the n3 tutorial 

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 20:15:30 UTC