Re: Atom Triples Internet Draft

Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) wrote:
>> From: Story Henry <>
>> [ . . . ]
>> Clearly that atom in the content has to be interpreted as a literal,
>> otherwise a feed with a number of entries saying contradictory things
>> could produce on GRDDL extraction a nonsensical graph.
> Would named graphs help here, i.e., having one named graph per entry?

Since each atom:entry contains an rdf/xml block, and that corresponds
to a graph, I was thinking of named graphs; although how the graphs
are named is not something I've gone into, it could be based on the
unique atom:id.   We'd also should say something about the scope
of blank node IDs in the rdf/xml block; they should be distinct
for each graph.

So another way to think of this is to ship a set of named graphs
about resources.  The set may be ordered by e.g. atom:updated
date and it's possible the same resource may be seen multiple
times, we should probably say something about that too, although
it's related to the atom feed paging spec too, RFC 5005


Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 20:00:59 UTC