Re: [Linking-open-data] [ANN] MOAT


On Jan 21, 2008 12:22 PM, Dave Reynolds <> wrote:
> Alexandre Passant wrote:
> > On Jan 21, 2008 12:36 AM, Frederick Giasson <> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >>> Let's look at:
> >>>
> >>
> >> Yeah, so instead of a foaf:Document we would have a moat:Meaning. And
> >> instead of using a moat:concept, we would use a skos:subject.
> >>
> >> This could make sense intuitively. Would have to check further if it
> >> really does.
> > The problem here is that, again, the skos:subject range is a
> > skos:Concept, which will not allow people to use existing URIs that
> > are not defined as skos:Concept
> Not sure I agree. It means that any URI you use in this way can be
> inferred to also be a skos:Concept. It may not have been labelled as
> such in the original source but that doesn't necessarily cause a
> problem, open world assumption and all that.

I see what you mean, and it sounds ok theorically.
But in that case, using a skos:Concept in the ontology but telling to
users "use any URI you want" won't make sens I think. That's better to
tell them "use an URI" with an rdf:Resource range imho.
Moreover, some tools use domain / range of properties to filter
queries (eg: in ontology-based forms).
So using a skos:Concept may restrict the URIs to be retrieved.

> It *could* lead to a inconsistency if there are some conflicting axioms
> but that seems somehow unlikely. Are there any specific examples of a
> resource one might want to use as in this way where inferring they were
> also a skos:Concept would lead to an inconsistency?

In case I have my own ontology with a main Class that is
owl:disjointWith skos:Concept, because I explicitely do not want
people to use broader / narrower links between instances of this
class, it will fail.
Ok, this is just an example, but this is the kind of use case I want to avoid.



> Dave
> --
> Hewlett-Packard Limited
> Registered Office: Cain Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 1HN
> Registered No: 690597 England

Received on Monday, 21 January 2008 14:27:39 UTC