Re: [ontolog-forum] Current Semantic Web Layer Cake

>I agree that the proof box is misplaced, but I think
>that the major problem is that the logic box is not
>correctly positioned.
>PH> Hmm, I wonder why the 'Proof' Tetris piece has
>>  a connection to Rule without going through Unifying
>>  Logic.  That seems like a very bad decision to me
>Unifying Logic is the framework that includes the others
>as subsets:  RDF, RDF-S, Rule RIF, OWL, and SPARQL.
>Each of these subsets is tailored for a specific kind of
>inference engine and/or a specific range of uses.  What
>unifies them is the common model-theoretic semantics.
>That semantics enables all of them to interoperate on
>shared data and produce consistent results.

Thats what I would expect, yes. And I know the overall picture. What 
surprised me was the fact that there seems to be a special 
short-circuit allowing Rules to connect to Proof without taking the 
Logic into account. Which in turn suggests a special dispensation for 
Rules to avoid having to have a common semantics with everything 
else. As I know there are, as the popular media says, Powerful Forces 
in the Rules meta-community which would approve of short-circuiting 
conventional semantics altogether in favor of, say, some version of 
Prolog, I am slightly concerned that this peculiar kink in the layer 
cake has been put there deliberately to make it possible to do an 
end-run around a unifying logic. Which when one takes into account 
the whole point of "Unifying", would IMO be a pity.


>My suggestion would be to draw the Unifying Logic box as
>a large container that includes all the others inside:

The layer-cake display has become a kind of W3C icon now.

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Received on Tuesday, 31 July 2007 15:20:32 UTC