Geo namespaces (was [georss] GeoRSS polygon/line elevation)

On 1/24/07, Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> There's a little network of namespaces here... each with overlapping
> scope: FOAF covers people and names but vCard does addressbook stuff
> better. It also does street addresses etc., but geo: and neogeo: do
> mappable, plottable, etc geography stuff better. There should be a
> combination of all three that describes people, organizations, groups
> and their associated locations at various levels of details.

You've kind of shifted the topic from the GeoRSS elevation support in
line/polygons. :)

But to address this topic, Microformats have done a lot to blend all
of these together. Specifically hCard, which allows specifying people,
orgs, groups and their associated metadata, including

which also includes a good list of references to similar work, some of
which you mentioned:

My hope for all of these formats/specs is that they at least use
*some* common formatting and features (support name, org, multiple
addresses, contact information, urls, ...) and then 'flavoring' for
their respective target areas (RSS, HTML, applications, ...) But
that's probably the hope of many a spec.


Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2007 20:10:18 UTC