Re: resources for network-based/hierarchical RDF store


What would be the license problem with Virtuoso?  Since the basic SQL DBMS
and triple store are available as GPL, you can deploy as many as needed.

The only thing that requires a commercial license per se is the SQL database
federation but  since you are looking for triple stores it does not seem
that this is a requirement of your use case.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Langegger []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: resources for network-based/hierarchical RDF store

Dear Orri,

thanks for the pointer. I know Virtuoso. The only problem for us is the
license. We are working on a research project and our middleware will be
used in scientific grids only. However, it seems to be a nice product.

best regards,

Orri Erling schrieb:
> Dear group members,
> most of currently available RDF triple store implementations (Jena,
> 3store, sesame, etc.) use relational database systems as the underlying
> information system. Well, I guess this is because they are well known,
> have proven to scale and perform, you get existing features for data
> management, indexing, transactions, etc. and can use existing tools.
> However, are there any resources (papers/projects/links/...) where RDF
> storage in network/hierarchical databases is investigated? Would there
> be benefits?
> The bottlenecks with RDBMS are either huge joins over the same table =>
> memory problem for large datasets or complex query processing which at
> the moment has to be done in the higher app level. There should be
> better support inside the DBMS in future like special join operations.
> If sb has pointers or comments, I'd appreciate!
> best regards,
> Andy
> -
> Hi Andy
> There is Virtuoso at
> This is a general purpose relational engine but has RDF support built very
> close to the core, with special joins, accommodations for SPARQL queries
> the SQL query optimizer etc.
> Regards
> Orri
>  --
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Andreas Langegger
> Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing
> Johannes Kepler University Linz
> A-4040 Linz, Altenberger Straße 69
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> =H1Ia

Received on Friday, 27 April 2007 11:16:35 UTC