Re: Disaster management ontologies?]

On 18 Apr 2007, at 20:39, wrote:

> Also, I am thinking of entering a more targeted submission, max 6  
> pages by
> 20th of May, for the following conference, ISCRAM CHINA 2007,  but  
> may beed
> the help of others in this community to do so before the deadline
> Anyone interested in cooking something up and co-author a  
> submission would
> be very welcome, as I may not have enough steam in the engine right  
> now,

Also, the annual ISCRAM Conference [1] (Delft, the Netherlands, May  
13-16 2007)
is were a lot of papers/discussions will take place on ontologies for  
emergency management.

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

[1] <>

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 01:26:06 UTC