- From: <nst@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
- Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 21:01:51 +0200
- To: semantic-web@w3.org, semanticweb@yahoogroups.com
Apologies for possible cross-posting. Please forward this mail to anyone interested] CALL FOR PAPERS SBPM 2007: WORKSHOP ON SEMANTIC BUSINESS PROCESS AND PRODUCT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENET held in conjunction with the 4rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'07) Jun 3-7, 2007, INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA More information http://sbpm2007.fzi.de/ deadline: 10. 4. 2007 Workshop Theme In the past year, Semantic Web technology has gained a substantial interest from both the Business Process Management (BPM) and the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) domain. This trend has been further fueled by the growing maturity of ontology languages, tools, and infrastructure, and by the engagement of major software vendors in semantic technology. Many researchers and practitioners are now working on how Business Process Management, in particular in service-oriented environments, may benefit from Semantic Web Services frameworks and other results from Semantic Web research. In general, there is substantiated hope that applying ontologies to core problems of BPM and PLM may bring a breakthrough in terms of agility in changing markets and the management of compliance with customer needs and regulatory requirements. In this workshop, we want to bring together experts from various communities, namely the Business Process Management community on one hand and the Semantic Web / Semantic Web Services community on the other. In particular, we aim at bundling experiences and prototypes from the successful application of Semantic Web technology to BPM and PLM in various industries, like automotive, engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical products, and services domains. The particular focus is on deriving reusable best-practices from such experiences, and to yield convincing showcases of semantic technology. The workshop covers two themes: Theme 1: Semantic Business Process Management For this theme, we invite contributions that address the more intelligent engineering, management, and execution of business processes through the use of Semantic Web technology. In particular, we expect and encourage contributions from the areas of business process engineering, management, and optimization, workflow, semantic web services, business rules, as well as respective standardization efforts. Theme 2: Semantic Web Meets Product and Process Lifecycle Management For this theme, we invite contributions that show how the management of products-related data in single enterprises and value-chains can be improved by the more sophisticated formalisms, tools, and methodologies from the Semantic Web community. The aim is to make Semantic Web technology widely considered in the Product Lifecycle Management community, and to exploit lessons learned in the PLM community for advancement of Semantic Web research. Topics We are inviting contributions in e.g. the following research fields: Semantic Business Process Management - Design time aspects of Semantic Business Process Management - Semantic modeling of business processes - Language issues (BPM languages to SBPM languages) - Business rules and SBPM - Semantics of existing modeling approaches - Mapping between Semantic Web languages and business process modeling - Semantic policy modeling and management for BPM - Reasoning for verifying semantic business process models - Reuse and adaptation of semantic business process models - Semantics for Collaborative BPM - Run time aspects of Semantic Business Process Management - Dynamics and flexibility of SBPM implementations - Combination of business rules execution and workflow execution - Semantic web services for SBPM - Interoperability between conventional and semantics-enabled BPM solutions - Semantic analysis of BP execution - SBPM to support business activity monitoring and real-time business intelligence - Change management and evolution of business processes, including process mining - Personalized and context-aware process instantiation - Semantic Grid in SBPM - Practical and business aspects of Semantic Business Process Management - Business scenarios and case studies for SBPM in eBusiness, eGovernment, eHealth, production control, collaborative processes in logistics, engineering and management, ubiquitous computing, etc. - The role of BPM in SBPM - Migration from conventional towards semantics-based modeling - Contributions of SBPM for Corporate Performance Management - Critical success factors for the practical application of SBPM - Business benefits, evaluation aspects, and ROI of SBPM approaches - Standardization efforts relevant to or required for SBPM - SOA and SBPM - Reference models relevant to or required for SBPM - Combination of SBPM with quality management and IT service management - BPM and Web 2.0 Semantic Product Lifecycle Management - Semantic Web based modeling techniques for the areas of advanced product and integrated process modeling - Tools tailored to applications in these areas - Integration of the techniques and methodologies into existing landscapes - Expressive and clear foundational approaches to product modeling and process standards - Semantics-supported Business Intelligence on product data - E-procurement and sourcing - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Decision Support Systems - Enterprise Application Integration - Modeling and Systems Analysis - Supply Chain Management - Corporate Knowledge Management - Legal Applications Submissions We invite contributions on all theoretical and practical aspects of Semantic Business Process Management and Semantic Product Lifecycle Management, in particular such addressing the real-world business and technology questions to be dealt with in realistic, useful applications for e-Business and e-Government. Two categories of submissions are solicited: 1. Full papers (up to 12 pages) 2. Position statements (1-2 pages) All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. Important Dates • Abstract submissions: March 23, 2007 • Full paper submissions: March 30, 2007 • Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2007 • Camera ready deadline: May 7, 2007 • Workshop: June 6-7, 2007 (to be announced) Organizing Committee Martin Hepp Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Department of Computer Science University of Innsbruck Technikerstrasse 21a A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria Phone: +43 512 507 6465 E-Mail: mhepp@computer.org URI: http://www.heppnetz.de and http://www.deri.at Knut Hinkelmann FHNW - University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland School of Business Riggenbachstrasse 16 CH-4600 Olten, Switzerland Phone: +41 62 286 00 80 E-Mail: knut.hinkelmann@fhso.ch URI: http://knut.hinkelmann.ch Dimitris Karagiannis University of Vienna Institute for Knowledge and Business Engineering Bruenner Strasse 72 A-1210 Wien, Austria Phone: +43 1 4277-39581 Email: dk@dke.univie.ac.at URI: http://www.dke.univie.ac.at/ Rüdiger Klein DAI Lab Technical University of Berlin Franklinstrasse 28/29 D-10587 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 - 314-29463 E-Mail: ruediger.klein@dai-labor.de URI: http://www.dai-labor.de Nenad Stojanovic FZI – Research Center for Information Technologies at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14 D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Phone: +49 721 9654-852 E-Mail: nstojano@fzi.de URI: http://www.fzi.de/ipe/mitarbeiter.php?id=483
Received on Monday, 2 April 2007 19:02:33 UTC