Re: [vcard] OWL or RDF for vCard?


David Powell wrote:
> So, I'm not keen on properties like v:tel, that to support custom
> telephone x-types would require the consumer to understand
> sub-properties, know that the property is a sub-property of v:tel, and
> know how to serialise the rdf property uri into a vcard x-token.

I agree.

> I'd prefer to see some indirection via a bnode, which I think is
> necessary anyway to support PREF on the relation between the vCard and
> the number (rather than globally marking the telephone 'prefered' for
> every vcard that references it).

Ooh, that's a good point, if we consider a tel: URI as the identifier 
for a single telephone number. I suppose a telephone number could be 
preferred for one spouse but not for the other. I'll have to think about 
that. (As I mentioned in another email, the vCard idea of TEL TYPE is a 
semantic conglomeration to begin with; it may be necessary to treat some 
"type" values differently.) Can you give an example of the sort of bnode 
setup you were thinking of?


Received on Monday, 2 April 2007 13:36:37 UTC