Re: Sommer: Semantic Web (Metadata) Mapper

Hi Henry,

  please check out whether RDFReactor [1] does already what you need
  It assumes you start with an ontology (RDFS or OWL) and generate
  Java code from that. Java instances act as proxies over the RDF
  triple store, so they are always in-sync with the data. The
  resulting code is very clean, documented and usable even by non-RDF
  people (at least, that was the intention).

  Using Java dynamic proxies per se doesn't make a developers life
  easy. I used this in the beginning, but debugging got much
  trickier, as the debugger cannot relate bugs in a dynamic proxy to
  other parts of the code. Second, mapping the full inheritance tree to Java
  inheritance seems nice, but does not bring much benefits. You can
  simply call "x.isInstanceOf( y )" in RDFReactor and get an answer
  based on *the current state of the data*.

  The  idea  to  use Java annotations to model the bindings to URIs is
  nice.  Maybe  something  to  be  explored  in  future  versions  of


Kind regards,

  Max Völkel
Dipl.-Inform. Max Völkel, Universität Karlsruhe / FZI
     +49 721 9654-854

First Workshop on Semantic Wikis:  

Received on Monday, 15 May 2006 11:59:44 UTC