Re: iana mime types as rdfs:Datatype ?

Henry Story wrote:
> Every iana mime type has an associated url. So for example text/html 
> is
> Now these urls seem to be exactly what is needed for developing new 
> Datatypes. In AtomOwl [1] for example we would like to be able to 
> specify be able to translate the following atom xml
> [] :content [ a :Content;
>               :type "text/html";
>               :value "<b>hello</b>" ] .
> Now if every iana mime type had a url, as above, then I wonder if the 
> following options would be better?
> [] :content [ a :Content;
>               :type ianatxt:html;
>               :value "<b>hello</b>" ] .
> or even
> [] :content [ a :Content;
>               :value "<b>hello</b>"^^ianatxt:html ] .

I see a practical issue with this example. If one uses an RDF/XML
encoding and turtle, then the parser will have a problem with your
example, unless 'value' is declared to be rdf:XMLLiteral, which is a
datatype itself.... The second option could probably work as:

[] :content [ a :Content;
              :type ianatxt:html;
              :value "<b>hello</b>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral ] .


> [1]


Ivan Herman
W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413
1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153;

Received on Friday, 23 June 2006 12:04:16 UTC