Re: NewsML 2 and RDF

On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 15:56 +0000, Tony Hammond wrote:
> Hi Dan:
> True-ish. The hash char is not invalid – but it _is_ reserved.So,
> what’s the difference there? Though I guess it’s theoretically
> useable. This from RFC 2141:
> “2.3.2 The other reserved characters
>    RFC 1630 [2] reserves the characters "/", "?", and "#" for
> particular
>    purposes. The URN-WG has not yet debated the applicability and
>    precise semantics of those purposes as applied to URNs. Therefore,
>    these characters are RESERVED for future developments.  Namespace
>    developers SHOULD NOT use these characters in unencoded form, but
>    rather use the appropriate %-encoding for each character.”

That looks like a scheme-specific RFC conflicting with the RFC
on generic synatx. Indeed, that's unfortunate.

I was going to say that it should work in practice, but this
problem seems to have infected the python standard library...

>>> urlparse.urlparse("urn:abc#def")
('urn', '', 'abc#def', '', '', '')

> Hard to know what to do.

I suppose so; the urn: stuff is bound to be less mature than
http, since it's used so much less often.

> Cheers,
> Tony

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 16:15:00 UTC