Re: Showing the Semantic Web

Good point.

I haven't been paying attention for a while, but have we yet solved the problem of how to query the Originator of a URI for an RDF description of that URI?

>Http where do you exactly get the statements about 
> ? certainly nothing 
>interesting lies on, or nothing surprising anyway. Stuff 
>that would make users go "wow" probably lies in DBs around. A "proper" 
>"transport layer" would therefore somehow automatically (e.g. without 
>explicitally namid the sources, else you're i nthe Sparql/named 
>graph/well known db integration approach) connect those who ask about 
>#freedom with those who write about it.
>Like URIQA but automatically across the semantic web, something P2P a 
>bit like RDFPeers (DHT storage of RDF graphs), but without the huge 
>traffic generated at each query. RDFGrowth attemts to display such 
>features, we'll see if it will be of any use once deployed publically.

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2006 22:16:11 UTC