Re: [tangle] getting the semweb exactly wrong

Danny Ayers wrote:
>>Timothy Falconer wrote:
>>>Blog post excerpt:
>>>"Reading such comments confounds me, since they've got it *exactly*
>>>wrong. The Semantic Web approach is LOOSE, not normalized.
> On 1/3/06, Frank Manola <> wrote:
> ...
> However,
>>if that's the case, from a relational data modeling perspective, RDF
>>data is *highly* normalized:
> Frank's technically correct of course, but in Timothy's defence, the
> word "normalized" came from a David Weinberger quote :
> [[
> I fear that the Semantic Web will go the way of SGML and for basically
> the same reason: normalization of metadata works real well in confined
> applications where the payoff is high, control is centralized and
> discipline can be enforced. In other words: not the Web.
> ]]
> Frank, Timothy, anyone - got any words that would be comprehensible
> for the non-specialist but also accurately convey what Weinberger is
> trying to say? (So we can say he's wrong more formally ;-)


What *is* Weinberger trying to say?  If I could figure that out, I might 
be of more help in concocting alternative wordings!


Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2006 22:22:20 UTC