Re: Reifying triples as unique URIs

Max Völkel wrote:
> Hi, I was looking for a neat way to address statements.
> Version 3)
> ---------
> Unique Relations
> This  is  a  new idea, that I haven't seen discussed anywhere - that's
> why  I post this email. The idea is: In some way, the relation between
> two things is unique. So we represent
> (a,b,c)
> as (a,x,c), (x rdfs:subPropertyOf b).
> We  use  b  as  the  type of the relation, x is a random unique URI (I
> don't like blank nodes).


This is what I like best about SWIG. We are moving rather quickly
nowadays and think very alike.

We are working on an Atom OWL ontology and we have been using similar
notions to extend the relationships for several of our constructs in a
way we have more semantic breadcrumbs to help us describe/understand a
wide range of predicates otherwise unknown to us.

First [1] we are using it to describe different content types.

In N3 :entry1 :content "<b>blah</b>"^:html translates to:

:entry1 :content [ :html "<b>blah</b>" ] in Turtle and fully expanded means:

:entry :content [ :body "<b>blah</b>"^^:html ].

Second, we are using this style to model extension in the XML space. For

In Atom/XML:


:entry s:when "Today" .
s:when rdf:subPropertyOf :ExtensionElement ;
       :localName "when" ;
       :namespace "" .

As you can see the notion that (a, x, c), (x rdfs:subProperty b).



Received on Monday, 7 August 2006 17:16:07 UTC