Re: Is there real world RDF-S/OWL instance data?

On Wed, August 2, 2006 12:50 pm, Frank Manola wrote:
> I appreciate that your request was for publicly-available instance data,
> but as a possibly-minor footnote to this thread (especially given its
> title), I'd note (again) that the *publicly-available* instance data
> doesn't necessarily include all *real world* instance data.


I find it perfectly plausible that there is more RDF behind firewalls than
publicly available (although of course we can't be sure), but I was
curious: do you have any ideas about why this is so? Could it be because a
system limited to use within one enterprise makes it easier to impose more
top-down control over the use of a particular ontology, and that this
greater control gives people more incentive to follow through on a project
involving the creation and use of large amounts of RDF data?



Received on Thursday, 3 August 2006 14:14:58 UTC