Re: question on domain

   Yes, you are. This is a very common misconception about RDFS.

   RDF/RDFS is a property-centric model. Domains and ranges are used  
for *inference*, not validation. E.g., saying that

      color:blue foaf:mbox <>

   is not an error — it means that an inference engine can look at  
that triple, and the triple from the FOAF ontology:

     foaf:mbox rdfs:domain foaf:Agent

   and deduce that

     color:blue rdf:type foaf:Person

   *not* that there is a conflict, because blue hasn't been defined  
as a Person.


On  20 Apr 2006, at 6:05 AM, Johnson, Matthew C. ((LNG-ALB)) wrote:

> I am looking at this from an object oriented perspective where I  
> would define a class and then list the attributes/properties of  
> that class.  In other words, properties cannot exist by  
> themselves.  Perhaps that is where I am going astray or perhaps I  
> am missing a nuance of RDF.

Received on Thursday, 20 April 2006 23:06:16 UTC