Re: SemWeb Non-Starter -- Distributed URI Discovery

>>Benjamin Nowack wrote:
>see my reply to max, stephen's semweb agent unfortunately doesn't
>have an rdfs:seeAlso yet. All it starts with is a single URI.
>Imagine a bot with a T-Shirt:
>   I was lost on the Semantic Web,
>   and all they gave me was this stupid URI.
>Now, what should the bot do next?


A SemWeb Agent discovers some URI which, given the context in which it was found, looks interesting or otherwise important.  The Agent wants to obtain more information about the URI (an rdf:type would be nice, for starters) but doesn't know where to go to obtain the information.

There needs to be a simple, straightforward solution to this problem.  Imagine a SemWeb-enabled phone or PDA; should that device be required to follow rdfs:seeAlso links or spider a website in search of information about a URI?

--- Stephen

Received on Monday, 28 March 2005 15:49:44 UTC