Re: Handling plurals

On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 01:33:11 -0600, ben syverson <> wrote:

> What's a good or preferred way of defining something as a plural? ie,
> how to graph:
> "Person is a subclass of animal."
> "People is the plural of person." or "People is two or more person."
> Is there an extant schema out there people are using?

If it's just the relationship between the words you're after, Morten
has a vocab for dealing with the label aspect:

I got the link from Schemaweb:

I would imagine that if you wanted to go deeper into the modelling it
could get tricky fast. Don't know, but I expect there are quite a few
papers around on the general subject. I wonder if you could say the
class People subclass of Person but with property members


Received on Sunday, 13 March 2005 11:24:09 UTC