Re: Dynamic time statements?


why don;tyou just put the current time in the query?

..where presentation-start <= "2005-06-24T15:05:00Z"
     and prtesenation-end == null

(forgive me the SQL like query, not yet good enough at sparql).

(This brings up an issue I have with existing RDF databases: all of  
them seem
not to be able to recognize literal datatypes for operator 'binding'.  
example: the <= operator should work differently for dates than for  
int and yet
for strings).

If you have a million+ dates, doing the <= operation with a full scan is
starting to be rediculous.



On Jun 25, 2005, at 9:48 AM, Danny Ayers wrote:

> I've recently been looking at putting conference data into a
> triplestore with a SPARQL front-end . It will be desirable to ask
> questions like: "Who's presenting now?", "What did they post on their
> blogs in the last 24hrs?"
> I'm contemplating a statement generated on the fly:
> rdf:value "2005-06-24T15:05:00Z"
> refreshing in the store immediately prior to each query.
> Following a couple of comments [1] when I mentioned this on my blog,
> I'd be interested in hearing if and where the logic screws up with
> this, and whether there aren't other (easy) approaches.
> Cheers,
> Danny.
> [1]
> -- 

Jan Algermissen, Consultant & Programmer                
Tugboat Consulting, 'Applying Web technology to enterprise IT'

Received on Saturday, 25 June 2005 08:30:30 UTC