Fw: Jastor questions

---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin H Szekely/Cambridge/IBM on 
06/09/2005 04:12 PM ---------------------------
To:     giovanni@wup.it
From:   Benjamin H Szekely/Cambridge/IBM@IBMUS
Subject:        Jastor questions

Hi Giovani,
        I believe you can do what you need by using a "Custom Thing 
Implementation." Basically,  Jastor allows you to define a custom Thing 
interface,implemenation and factory that all your generated code extends. 
As an example, checkout module  "com.ibm.adtech.jastor.test" from CVS and 
have a look at the package com.ibm.adtech.jastor.customthing.test.  There 
are examples of defining custom base classes and generating code using 
them.  Let me know if this is sufficient for your needs. 

 - Ben 

Questions, can i add my own methods to the generated classes? iif so, 
can i  have some form of multiple inheritance on the added methodss
if so do i keep my added methods somehow if i change the ontology (is 
there some form of 2 way?)
if not so, are these features which you forsee as addable and what's 
your take on their utility? (that is, am i asking for something that 
your experience shows completely unecessary? i'd think not i'd like to 
add a "to string" methods to the generated classes for examples)

Received on Friday, 10 June 2005 07:10:50 UTC