Re: Identity of URIRefs / Resources

On 6/4/05, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer <> wrote:

> Does it make sense that "Two RDF URI references are equal if and only if
> they compare as equal, character by character, as Unicode strings.",
> wouldn't it cause less problems to say "Two RDF URI references are equal
> if and only if the resolve to the same URI".

The URI spec [1] has a 'ladder' of comparisons ("false negatives are a
fact of life"-Fielding), down at the bottom of which is the string
equivalence the RDF spec uses.
Hopefully you may be able to insert URI canonicalization into KnoBot
before the URIs get to the RDF handling - should be a library out
there somewhere.


(section 6.2)


Received on Sunday, 5 June 2005 08:01:54 UTC