Re: How will the semantic web emerge

On Dec 14, 2005, at 15:51, Henry Story wrote:

> It won't emerge by speaking about it.
> It won't emerge first by adding annotations or any distributed  
> metadata scheme as that requires a lot of people to agree on many  
> things first.
> The best way to start it, is to open up a database of valuable data  
> to a SPARQL end point with a good ontology.

Absolutely. I am somewhat new to SW, but looks like there are enough  
standards to start somehow with the plumbing.

Taking this pragmatic approach which I share: are you thinking on  
publishing ontologies (that is schema + instances) as such for others  
to use? Or are you thinking in RDF-but-private backends accessible  
with some kind of front-end? In my view the former seems sctrictly  
closer to the semantic web itself but needs third-party applications  
to leverage the data, the latter uses semantic web related  
technologies but if everything is server-side depending on the data a  
relational database may be enough, that is, the technology itself may  
not be differential, or in any case being server-side might be not be  
considered proper semantic web.

-- fxn

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2005 15:16:21 UTC