Re: An inconsistency or not?

Chris Purcell wrote:
>> That's wrong.
>> A owl:intersectionOf [B, C, D].
>> A owl:equivalentClass B.
>> can be simplified to
>> B owl:intersectionOf [C, D].
>> A owl:equivalentClass B.
> Unfortunately, this is not true:

Actually, fortunately. :)
Dumb error of mine. Kids having set algebra wouldn't have made it, and 
now I feel very dumb. Thanks for the correction!

My mistake was that with A=B and A = B /\ C /\ D I substituted A with B 
in the second formula, thus making B = B /\ C /\ D , which I thought 
would simplify to B = C /\ D, which is not true, but rather B <= C /\ D
(with /\ being intersectionOf and <= subClassOf).

> A = B = { x }; C = D = { x, y }
> intersect(B,C,D) = { x } = A
> but intersect(C,D) = { x, y } != B
> Chris

Thanks, denny

Received on Friday, 1 April 2005 12:08:14 UTC