Re: An inconsistency or not?

Danny Ayers wrote:
> PS. Just playing with the Venn diagrams, it seems that if I add 
> B owl:equivalentClass C.
> to
>>A rdf:type owl:Class.
>>B rdf:type owl:Class.
>>C rdf:type owl:Class.
>>D rdf:type owl:Class.
>>A owl:intersectionOf [B, C, D].
>>A owl:equivalentClass B.
> I also get:
> A rdfs:subClassOf D.
> B rdfs:subClassOf D.
> C rdfs:subClassOf D.
> Which I must confess I hadn't expected. Does that sound right?

Yes. Given that A is the intersection of (B,C,D) we can immediately 
conclude that A rdfs:subClassOf D. And because you have made B and C 
equivalent to A, the next two statements automatically follow.

Seems correct to me.

Jeen Broekstra          Aduna BV
Knowledge Engineer      Julianaplein 14b, 3817 CS Amersfoort        The Netherlands
tel. +31(0)33 46599877  fax. +31(0)33 46599877

Received on Friday, 1 April 2005 08:37:27 UTC