Re: QT4CG meeting 107 draft minutes, 28 January 2025

> ACTION QT4CG-107-06: NW to integrate DN's expandable ToC into the
>      build.

To help Norm with this action, I have attached the
zipped ...\qtspecs\build\www\xpath-functions-40\Overview.html file
( - note this was done on an older file, dating around
Nov. 2024.
Also attached is the modified
...\qtspecs\build\www\xpath-functions-40\css\w3c-base.css file.

The only modification in the .css file is within the rule for `.toc a`

Line 1085:

display: block;

has been commented out:
/* display: block; */

Here is a small example of the <details> / <<summary>  standard HTML5
elements that have been added to implement the collapsing/expanding of the

                              <summary style="list-style: none;"><a
href="#accessors"><span class="secno">2.1 </span><span

                              <ol class="toc">
                                  <li><a href="#func-node-name"><span
class="secno">2.1.1 </span><span
                                  <li><a href="#func-nilled"><span
class="secno">2.1.2 </span><span class="content">fn:nilled</span></a></li>
                                  <li><a href="#func-string"><span
class="secno">2.1.3 </span><span class="content">fn:string</span></a></li>
                                  <li><a href="#func-data"><span
class="secno">2.1.4 </span><span class="content">fn:data</span></a></li>
                                  <li><a href="#func-base-uri"><span
class="secno">2.1.5 </span><span class="content">fn:base-uri</span></a></li>
                                  <li><a href="#func-document-uri"><span
class="secno">2.1.6 </span><span class="content"><span class="tocDelta"> Δ

This needs to be generated by the XSLT code that generates this .html file.
Must be done for every <li> element that itself has an <ol> child.

I will be glad to help if there are any questions about the ways to
generate these wrappers with XSLT.

Any questions and suggestions will be appreciated. BTW, I was not able to
access the feedback in the Chat screen today, as the Zoom meeting was
closed immediately after the Demo. Please, send these to me via email.


On Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 9:26 AM Norm Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Here are the minutes from today’s meeting:
> QT4 CG Meeting 107 Minutes 2025-01-28
>    [1]Meeting index / [2] / [3]Dashboard / [4]GH Issues / [5]GH
>    Pull Requests
> Table of Contents
>      * [6]Draft Minutes
>      * [7]Summary of new and continuing actions [0/11]
>      * [8]1. Administrivia
>           + [9]1.1. Roll call [10/13]
>           + [10]1.2. Accept the agenda
>                o [11]1.2.1. Status so far...
>           + [12]1.3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting
>           + [13]1.4. Next meeting
>           + [14]1.5. Review of open action items [2/7]
>           + [15]1.6. Review of open pull requests and issues
>                o [16]1.6.1. Blocked
>                o [17]1.6.2. Merge without discussion
>                o [18]1.6.3. Close without action
>                o [19]1.6.4. Substantive PRs
>      * [20]2. Technical agenda
>           + [21]2.1. PR #1708: 1485 Add xsl:record-type declaration
>           + [22]2.2. PR #1722: 1717 define focus functions using pipeline
>             operator
>           + [23]2.3. PR #1727: 1725 Define more detailed rules for
>             duplicates in maps
>           + [24]2.4. Path to completion?
>      * [25]3. Any other business
>      * [26]4. Adjourned
> Draft Minutes
> Summary of new and continuing actions [0/11]
>      * [ ] QT4CG-082-02: DN to work with MK to come to agreement on the
>        fn:ranks proposal
>      * [ ] QT4CG-088-04: [Someone] needs to update the processing model
>        diagram needs vis-a-vis the static typing feature
>      * [ ] QT4CG-097-02: MK to make the XSD schema component references
>        into links to XSD
>      * [ ] QT4CG-103-01: MK to add an example of showing all the
>        properties for an untyped node.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-106-01: NW to remove the dead wood from the XSLT build
>        (SVG diagrams)
>      * [ ] QT4CG-107-01: MK to add the return type to the paragraph on
>        focus functions
>      * [ ] QT4CG-107-02: MK to add the options to all the functions.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-107-03: MK to change the spec so that the first item is
>        always selected.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-107-04: MK to review CG's comment to align fn:map-merge
>        by removing the reference to random number generator and fixing a
>        typo.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-107-05: JLO and DN to consider a proposal for system
>        defined records.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-107-06: NW to integrate DN's expandable ToC into the
>        build.
> 1. Administrivia
> 1.1. Roll call [10/13]
>    Regrets: SF.
>      * [X] David J Birnbaum (DB)
>      * [ ] Reece Dunn (RD)
>      * [ ] Sasha Firsov (SF)
>      * [X] Christian Gr¸n (CG)
>      * [X] Joel Kalvesmaki (JK) [:05-]
>      * [X] Michael Kay (MK)
>      * [X] Juri Leino (JLO)
>      * [X] John Lumley (JWL)
>      * [X] Dimitre Novatchev (DN)
>      * [X] Wendell Piez (WP)
>      * [X] Ed Porter (EP)
>      * [ ] Bethan Tovey-Walsh (BTW)
>      * [X] Norm Tovey-Walsh (NW). Scribe. Chair.
> 1.2. Accept the agenda
>    Proposal: Accept [27]the agenda.
>    Accepted.
> 1.2.1. Status so far...
>    These charts have been adjusted so they reflect the preceding six
>    months of work.
>    issues-open-2025-01-28.png
>    Figure 1: "Burn down" chart on open issues
>    issues-by-spec-2025-01-28.png
>    Figure 2: Open issues by specification
>    issues-by-type-2025-01-28.png
>    Figure 3: Open issues by type
> 1.3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting
>    Proposal: Accept [28]the minutes of the previous meeting.
>    Accepted.
> 1.4. Next meeting
>    This next meeting is planned for 4 February 2025.
>    MK, JWL (possible) gives regrets. CG gives regrets for 11 and 18
>    February.
> 1.5. Review of open action items [2/7]
>    (Items marked [X] are believed to have been closed via email before
>    this agenda was posted.)
>      * [ ] QT4CG-082-02: DN to work with MK to come to agreement on the
>        fn:ranks proposal
>      * [ ] QT4CG-088-04: [Someone] needs to update the processing model
>        diagram needs vis-a-vis the static typing feature
>      * [ ] QT4CG-097-02: MK to make the XSD schema component references
>        into links to XSD
>      * [ ] QT4CG-103-01: MK to add an example of showing all the
>        properties for an untyped node.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-106-01: NW to remove the dead wood from the XSLT build
>        (SVG diagrams)
>      * [X] QT4CG-106-02: MK to apply the typos changes and then merge this
>        PR #1703.
>      * [X] QT4CG-106-03: MK to write the XPath that puts map keys in
>        record order as an example.
> 1.6. Review of open pull requests and issues
> 1.6.1. Blocked
>    The following PRs are open but have merge conflicts or comments which
>    suggest they aren't ready for action.
>      * PR [29]#1587: 557 Add fn:binary-resource
>      * PR [30]#1296: 982 Rewrite of scan-left and scan-right
>      * PR [31]#1283: 77b Update expressions
>      * PR [32]#1062: 150bis revised proposal for fn:ranks
>      * PR [33]#1227: 150 PR resubmission for fn ranks
> 1.6.2. Merge without discussion
>    The following PRs are editorial, small, or otherwise appeared to be
>    uncontroversial when the agenda was prepared. The chairs propose that
>    these can be merged without discussion. If you think discussion is
>    necessary, please say so.
>      * PR [34]#1732: 1720 grammar simplification
>      * PR [35]#1731: 1719 drop shared spec from build
>      * PR [36]#1728: Fix CSS for production tables
>    Proposed: merge without discussion.
>    Accepted.
> 1.6.3. Close without action
>    It has been proposed that the following issues be closed without
>    action. If you think discussion is necessary, please say so.
>      * Issue [37]#1252: Add a new function `fn:html-doc`
>      * Issue [38]#1124: Formatting XPath/XQuery: Preferences, Conventions
>      * Issue [39]#1069: fn:ucd
>      * Issue [40]#998: regular expression addition - lookbehind assertions
>        and lookahead assertions
>      * Issue [41]#981: Identify optional arguments in callback functions
>      * Issue [42]#885: fn:uuid
>      * Issue [43]#747: QName literals
>      * Issue [44]#76: non-deterministic time
>    Proposed: close without further action.
>      * DB: Why is 998 being closed?
>      * CG: I proposed to close it; it's been 6 months without any PR.
>      * DB: There was a similar proposal for \b for the edge of a token.
>           + The definition of "word" is language dependent but whitespace
>             bounded tokens.
>      * MK: This is related to the meta discussion for later today. We have
>        to decide how to discard all the good ideas that no one has the
>        energy to write.
>           + We could label it as "closed for want of a volunteer"
>    Accepted.
>      * JLO: I wanted to talk about #981. I think we should make #1514
>        required.
>      * NW: There's been some discussion of positional arguments since the
>        agenda went out. Let's add that later on the agenda.
>    Consensus: okay.
> 1.6.4. Substantive PRs
>    The following substantive PRs were open when this agenda was prepared.
>      * PR [45]#1708: 1485 Add xsl:record-type declaration
>      * PR [46]#1722: 1717 define focus functions using pipeline operator
>      * PR [47]#1727: 1725 Define more detailed rules for duplicates in
>        maps
> 2. Technical agenda
> 2.1. PR #1708: 1485 Add xsl:record-type declaration
>    See PR [48]#1708
>    MK introduces the PR which does include a few small changes to XPath.
>      * MK: First try was, can we do this instead of named item types. I
>        was persuaded to provide both.
>    MK walks through the XSLT spec changes.
>      * MK: The named item type section is largely rewritten but not
>        changed in substance.
>           + ... Named record types is the new feature.
>           + ... There's a detailed explanation of how a record type is
>             equivalent to an item type and a function.
>    Some discussion of packages and visibility.
>      * JWL: When you have a record type with optional fields, does that
>        imply that the constructor function is variadic?
>      * MK: Yes. The defaults become defaults in the function.
>      * JWL: They're not overridable outside a package, so there's nothing
>        like xsl:original-reference.
>      * MK: Right. Overriding a type would have such unpredicatable
>        consequences, we probably don't want to consider it.
>      * JWL: If I do a function override, from a package where I can refer
>        to the original, do I still keep the same type?
>      * MK: The overriding function has to have a "compatible" type
>        signature.
>    Proposal: Accept this PR.
>    Accept this PR.
> 2.2. PR #1722: 1717 define focus functions using pipeline operator
>    See PR [49]#1722
>      * MK: This is very straightforward. It just changes how we define
>        focus functions.
>           + ... It just adds a paragraph establishing the relationship
>             between focus functions and the focus setting operator.
>      * CG: Was wondering if we should add the return type.
>      * MK: Yes.
>    ACTION QT4CG-107-01: MK to add the return type to the paragraph on
>    focus functions
>    Proposal: Accept this PR.
>    Accept this PR. MK to merge after completing the action.
> 2.3. PR #1727: 1725 Define more detailed rules for duplicates in maps
>    See PR [50]#1727
>      * MK: When implementing this and writing tests, I discovered we
>        hadn't been clear enough about duplicates in a few places.
>           + ... In fn:map-build, we clarify how duplicates are handled.
>           + ... In fn:map-merge, we do the same thing.
>                o ... But there is some sublty here.
>           + ... In fn:map-of-pairs, we also do the same thing.
>      * CG: I like to have the option combine for map-merge as well. What
>        about duplicates on map-build?
>      * MK: I have no objection. It gives you two ways to do the same thing
>        that makes me a little uneasy. Should we add the options to all the
>        functions?
>    ACTION QT4CG-107-02: MK to add the options to all the functions.
>      * NW: If we don't, users will wonder why?
>      * MK: Yes, okay.
>      * JLO: Why is it implementation defined which key is used when there
>        are duplicates?
>      * MK: That's a valid point. You could always just the first one.
>    ACTION QT4CG-107-03: MK to change the spec so that the first item is
>    always selected.
>      * CG: There's a use of random in map:merge and there's a typo.
>    ACTION QT4CG-107-04: MK to review CG's comment to align fn:map-merge by
>    removing the reference to random number generator and fixing a typo.
>    Proposal: Accept this PR.
>    Accept this PR.
> 2.4. Path to completion?
>    At some point in the life of a working group, the consensus shifts from
>    "there's more to do" to "we need to finish". I think the QT4CG is
>    starting to feel that tension.
>    Discuss.
>      * MK: What are we doing about external review?
>      * NW: I thnk we shold
>      * MK: What about pointing
>      * NW: Yes, a fixed URI
>      * MK: We need to revisit the question of what we need to finish to
>        make the publication coherent, as distinct from what we'd like to
>        do. We should focus on resolving the half baked ideas.
>    Some discussion. Revisit open issues? How to categorize?
>      * NW: I'll make time on the agenda to categorize (or review, as
>        appropriate) issues.
>      * JWL: My interest in XSLT is that we could go through the big
>        things, which are finished, which need a little work, which should
>        be dropped.
>           + ... I think we could go through it on big group bits.
>           + ... Maybe be in a clearer position by Easter?
>      * NW: Let's consider doing this during the two weeks that CG will be
>        away (with his approval).
>      * DN: I really want to publish a PR about generators, kollections,
>        and ... but I'm blocked because I don't know if we have the
>        capability to have system defined records. That's not been solved
>        at all.
>      * NW: What do you mean by system defined records?
>      * MK: Try smaller pieces, do the system defined records first.
>      * DN: When I first confronted by this difficulty, I raised an issue.
>        But that has been closed without action.
>    Some discussion of how complicated it is to make the PR.
>      * JLO: Somewhat related to what DN said. Record types that are known
>        to the system is something I'm keen about with respect to options.
>        I'd like users to be able to find out what is possible. And it
>        would be good to be able to specify a type for them.
>           + ... We should have a list of them and what they're types are.
>             Maybe I could work with DN on that part.
>    ACTION QT4CG-107-05: JLO and DN to consider a proposal for system
>    defined records.
> 3. Any other business
>      * DN: Demonstrates his work on the expandable ToC.
>    General agreement that we should do this.
>      * DB: That looks nice. I wonder if there might be use for an
>        expand-all and collapse-all buttons.
>    ACTION QT4CG-107-06: NW to integrate DN's expandable ToC into the
>    build.
> 4. Adjourned
> References
>    1.
>    2.
>    3.
>    4.
>    5.
>    6.
>    7.
>    8.
>    9.
>   10.
>   11.
>   12.
>   13.
>   14.
>   15.
>   16.
>   17.
>   18.
>   19.
>   20.
>   21.
>   22.
>   23.
>   24.
>   25.
>   26.
>   27.
>   28.
>   29.
>   30.
>   31.
>   32.
>   33.
>   34.
>   35.
>   36.
>   37.
>   38.
>   39.
>   40.
>   41.
>   42.
>   43.
>   44.
>   45.
>   46.
>   47.
>   48.
>   49.
>   50.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norm Tovey-Walsh
> Saxonica

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 19:23:48 UTC