Re: Want to produce for the first time a PR for a Spec - where to find description of the XML-schema of a Spec and about the whole process?

Thank you, Michael!

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 9:56 AM Michael Kay <> wrote:

> The basic schema (in the form of a DTD) is found in
> qtspecs/schema/xmlspec.dtd, which is further customised by
> qtspecs/schema/xsl-query.dtd. There are comments in these DTDs to help
> explain their usage, but frankly, I wouldn't want to rely entirely on the
> comments; it's much easier to find examples of what you want to do in the
> actual instance documents, and learn by example.
> There are some more specialised formats with their own schemas, for
> example grammar.dtd for the BNF grammar (XPath/XQuery plus XSLT patterns),
> and fos.xsd for the function catalog.
> The files you will want to edit are typically found in
> qtspecs/specifications/SPECNAME/src/*.xml. For some of the specs the text
> is split into multiple files; if you have difficulty finding the file
> containing the text you want to edit, then a directory search can be useful.
> I think most of the process documentation has been deleted because it was
> hopelessly out of date.
> There's no documentation specific to git, it is assumed that users are
> familiar with git working methods.
> To build the specs, simply type "gradle". That builds the whole thing, I
> don't ever attempt any more specific build targets. The built specs will
> appear in  qtspecs/build/www.
> If you have specific questions, don't be afraid to ask. Start with
> something fairly small so we can put you on the right path if you go astray.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica
> > On 28 Sep 2023, at 16:55, Dimitre Novatchev <>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I have never before produced a PR for a Spec document and need
> guidance/resources about the files that are involved and their
> xml-schema/semantics.
> >
> > Can someone, please, help?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dimitre
> >

Received on Thursday, 28 September 2023 20:14:20 UTC