Re: AW: Fixed line endings in the repository

Dimitre Novatchev <> writes:
> All this is better be completely prevented/eliminated and made "invisible" to Windows users - and
> this is, per my understanding, what Norm has done. Thank you Norm.

You’re welcome. But I think what Christian is saying is that if we just
fixed the line endings as Unix style, Windows programs would all cope.

In other words, if you open a file with Unix style line endings in your
favorite Windows editor, “it just works”, you can’t tell (or if you can
tell, you don’t have to care). I think this is the case.

If the file you save from your editor uses Windows line endings, they’ll
be automatically converted to Unix line endings when you commit the

The problem is equally solved this way, I think.

I can see only two differences between the approaches:

1. Currently, the files are “binary” different. Getting a repository as
a ZIP file or downloading the “raw” files from GitHub’s UI will save
Unix line endings even on your PC, but the way I’ve currently configured
.gitattributes, the files you check out on your Windows PC will have
Windows line endings.

2. If we switched to fixed Unix line endings, and someone’s favorite
Windows editor can’t cope, that’d be inconvenient.

But there’s at least the assertion that modern editing tools on Windows
can all cope with Unix style line endings so case 2 doesn’t apply.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2023 08:33:42 UTC