Re: Propose to accept PR #449

On Mon, 2023-04-24 at 17:49 +0100, Norm Tovey-Walsh wrote:
> In PR #449, Mike has applied the changes we requested during review
> of
> PR #420. 

I'm sorry that i missed this before.

I wonder whether map:pairs() could return not just a loosest-possible
record but, in the case of a typed map, a record of the appropriate

E.g. for a map declared as
  map(xs:string, xs:double)
map:pairs() ought to yield record sof type (xs:string, xs:double).

But in 18 i see,
A ·key-value pair map· is an instance of the type record(key as
xs:anyAtomicType, value as item()*).

I'm not sure to what extent it would be useful, either in reducing bugs
or in improving optimization - for the latter, the implementation could
deduce it anyway, if it was statically known.

But either way, no objection.

Liam Quin,
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Received on Tuesday, 25 April 2023 05:03:10 UTC