Re: QT4 CG testers…

I hope at some stage to re-activate the stylesheet that generates the fo-spec-examples test set from example code in the F&O spec.

There's also scope for some of the tests created by Tim Mills to test named function references and function-lookup - I don't think he ever published the stylesheets for those.

It requires care: Abel Braaksma generated a comprehensive test set for system-property() that was so complex, if you got a test failure it was impossible to debug it. The tests need to be usable.

Michael Kay

> On 7 Oct 2022, at 11:51, Norm Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> In an editorial PR this morning, MK added a stylesheet to the qtspecs
> repository that builds a test catalog for the test suite. This is for
> built-in keyword tests and the goal is to keep the test suite and the
> specification in sync.
> In an ideal world, I’d have made the build process in the qt4tests
> repository depend on that and pull it in. But this is not that world and
> the qt4tests repository doesn’t *have* any kind of build system.
> Adding a build system to the qt4tests repository seemed likely to be
> confusing and easy for testers to forget to run, so I abandoned that
> approach.
> Instead, I’ve integrated things so that building the master branch on
> the qtspecs repository will automatically update the qt4tests repository
> with any generated tests. (At the moment, there’s just the one generated
> test, but I tried to make it flexible.)
> It appears to have worked successfully, but if you see any problems, do
> let me know!
>                                        Be seeing you,
>                                          norm
> --
> Norm Tovey-Walsh
> Saxonica

Received on Friday, 7 October 2022 11:49:23 UTC