QT4 CG testers…

Hi folks,

In an editorial PR this morning, MK added a stylesheet to the qtspecs
repository that builds a test catalog for the test suite. This is for
built-in keyword tests and the goal is to keep the test suite and the
specification in sync.

In an ideal world, I’d have made the build process in the qt4tests
repository depend on that and pull it in. But this is not that world and
the qt4tests repository doesn’t *have* any kind of build system.

Adding a build system to the qt4tests repository seemed likely to be
confusing and easy for testers to forget to run, so I abandoned that

Instead, I’ve integrated things so that building the master branch on
the qtspecs repository will automatically update the qt4tests repository
with any generated tests. (At the moment, there’s just the one generated
test, but I tried to make it flexible.)

It appears to have worked successfully, but if you see any problems, do
let me know!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Friday, 7 October 2022 10:55:57 UTC