Merging PRs that are accepted in principle

Hi folks,

I’ve added a new item to the agenda for tomorrow’s call. Please give it
a think if you have the time.

Merging PRs that are accepted in principle

We’ve been keeping PRs open while detailed comments are worked out. I
think that’s a fine model, but it has the consequence that we end up
with a lot of PRs open for a long time. That increases the chances
that we’ll create merge conflicts, making our life more difficult
later, and means that there are many slightly different copies of each
spec to review.

I propose that we agree to merge PRs as soon as the group feels that
the proposal is complete enough to accept in principle. We can add a
note in the history (for functions, at least) that it’s provisionally
accepted until detailed comments are resolved, or words to that

In the very short term, I would especially like to merge all of the
PRs that are open against F&O so that the XML validity errors and the
new markup for “type references” can be sorted out.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 14 November 2022 11:04:52 UTC