Re: Testing parse-html

Unfortunately, while there's a vast amount of material here, I can't see any easy way to adapt it to our use in the way we did with the JSON tests.

The test framework relies very heavily on Javascript code within HTML pages to evaluate procedural test assertions. The data (HTML structure) and the test assertions aren't easily separable, and the assertions are in JS which we can't directly use or adapt.

Michael Kay

> On 22 Dec 2022, at 11:08, Martin Honnen <> wrote:
> Am 12/22/2022 um 1:06 AM schrieb Michael Kay:
>> I've just been running a few new tests on our existing parse-html() function on SaxonJ (built on TagSoup) and SaxonCS (built on HtmlAgilityPack) and reallising how different they are. I suspect that getting a good level of interoperability (and tests to prove it) for fn:parse-html is going to be challenging!
>> Is there an HTML5 test suite we can build on?
> is the HTML
> part of the web platform test suite.
> I think the archive of HTML5 is at, they
> went to HTML 5.1 later and now to just an ever evolving HTML no longer
> having a version.

Received on Thursday, 22 December 2022 22:57:47 UTC