Re: Testing parse-html

Not a real answer but could cover half of the needs.

The test suite has a set of test samples and results to compare against.
The second can be achieved by feeding the input string to actual DOM engine
(Chromium/Blink) and comparing your own parser results with the actual
browser DOM. Going further, by utilizing *cross-browser testing*
capabilities like
from @web/test-runner-playwright, you would have a *parser browser
compatibility matrix*.

While the approach is not a test against "ideal" standards, it is more
valuable in the web development world as shows the cross-browser support, a
criteria to accept any JS library. The browsers themselves are not
following W3C test suites anymore:
> Blink does not currently (4/2013) regularly import and run the W3C's tests

As for the 1st half of the question on the parser test set, the
Chromium(Blink) or FF sources have the parser tests in the sources.
Extraction of those is a bit of a challenge though.
Blink sources are in chromium repo
Do not use `git clone` as it is 30+Gb, get the latest instead:


PS I have used such approach for testing of TEMPLATE
tag shadowDOM simulation in css-chain
and light-dom-element tests.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 4:06 PM Michael Kay <> wrote:

> I've just been running a few new tests on our existing parse-html()
> function on SaxonJ (built on TagSoup) and SaxonCS (built on
> HtmlAgilityPack) and reallising how different they are. I suspect that
> getting a good level of interoperability (and tests to prove it) for
> fn:parse-html is going to be challenging!
> Is there an HTML5 test suite we can build on?
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Received on Thursday, 22 December 2022 22:24:23 UTC