Technical discussion on XSLT WG telcon of 8 September 2016

The XSL WG met on Thursday, 08 September 2016.

> 6. Email discussions.

> 6.1 Options for what <>
>  Carines' action item email.  To be discussed.

> We expect to begin the discussion of this topic on 8 September.

In the absence of SCA, we decided to postpone this topic until 22

> 6.2 Invocation variants
>  To be discussed when ACTION 2016-06-30-001 is completed.

> The action has now been cleared:

> Ready for discussion.

We may come back to this, but we decided not to take it up as our
first topic of technical discussion.

> 6.3 Component binding in inline functions
>   To be reviewed when new spec is published.

On hold.

> 6.4 source-document/@use-accumulators

> We ran out of time on this one last week.

MHK suggested we try to deal with this one now.

ABr pointed to

MSM asked what happens when a reference to an unused accumulator (one
not mentioned in @use-accumulators) is encountered; there is an error.
There was some discussion of just which error it is, but eventually we
all agreed that it was [ERR XTDE3362] not [ERR XTSE3300].

After discussion, we leaned towards assigning the same semantics to
use-accumulators in both the streaming and the non-streaming cases.
And similarly for merge-source; see bug 29804.

DECIDED: to accept the proposals in bug 29804 "xsl:merge-source, drop
the requirement that @use-accumulators and @streamable=yes must both
be present/absent: XTSE3195" and bug 29805 "Allow
xsl:source-document/@use-accumulators to be present when
streamable=no" and instruct the editor to implement their intent.

ACTION: MHK to implement the intent of the proposals in bug 29804
"xsl:merge-source, drop the requirement that @use-accumulators and
@streamable=yes must both be present/absent: XTSE3195" and bug 29805
"Allow xsl:source-document/@use-accumulators to be present when
streamable=no" and make @use-accumulators orthogonal to the use of
non-use of streaming processing.

At this point we proceeded to section 8 and tried to clear low-hanging

> 7. XSLT Draft

> The diff version is at the usual location.

>  Published CR:

> Internal version:
> W3C Candidate Recommendation 30 June 2016

> 8. Spec bugs

> 29692 xsl:strip-space and packages
> <>
>    Status: Changes have been put into spec; bug marked resolved - bug
> should not be closed until text is reviewed in next draft.

> 29732 [xslt30] Streamable stylesheet functions: shallow-descent example
>          See MK action item.

> 29747 [XSLT30] Allow the attribute xsl:stream/@streamable with a default of "yes"     19:58:45
>     Check - review that all are OK with current status.

> 29752  [XSLT30]two accumulator examples using count(tokenize(., '\s+')) respectively count(tokenize(., '\W+')) to count words give odd results         2016-07-25
>      New - never discussed

> 29790 [xslt30] Sample stylesheet for xml-to-json conversion uses a reserved namespace

> bug list as of September 7 2016 23:35+01:00

For the open bugs, we started from the bottom of the list in the
agenda (re-ordered here).

> 29811 [XSLT30] 9.6 Static Variables and Parameters

ACTION: Editor to do as comment 2 in bug 29811 "9.6 Static Variables
and Parameters" requests and state explicitly that bug [ERR XTSE0010]
may be raised when @select is required but absent.

> 29808 [XSLT30] (editorial) xsl:use-package and using unnamed packages 	Mon 03:13 

We talked through this briefly.

DECIDED: to close bug 29808 "(editorial) xsl:use-package and using
unnamed packages" as invalid, for the reasons outlined in the sequence
of comments and accepted by the originator.

> 29804 [XSLT30] xsl:merge-source, drop the requirement that @use-accumulators and @streamable=yes must both be present/absent: XTSE3195 	Fri 16:47
> 29805 [XSLT30] Allow xsl:source-document/@use-accumulators to be present when streamable=no 	Fri 16:47

Both of these were taken care of by the decision reported in section
6.4 above.

> 29803 [XSLT30] We accidentally lost the ability to use accumulators
> on streamed nodes in the initial match selection, and other remnants
> of removing @streamable from xsl:global-context-item Fri 15:44

We discussed; ABr and MHK summarized the bug description and possible
solutions, and concluded eventually that the problem identified in
comment 2 is already present and does not depend on attaching the
attributes to the mode declaration.

DECIDED: to adopt the proposal in comment 1 of bug 29803 "We
accidentally lost the ability to use accumulators on streamed nodes in
the initial match selection, and other remnants of removing
@streamable from xsl:global-context-item", adding a @use-accumulators
attribute to the xsl:mode element.

ACTION: editor to implement the proposal in comment 1 of bug 29803 "We
accidentally lost the ability to use accumulators on streamed nodes in
the initial match selection, and other remnants of removing
@streamable from xsl:global-context-item", adding a @use-accumulators
attribute to the xsl:mode element.

> 29798  [XSLT30]Request for clarification on built-in template rules for arrays         Mon 10:28 

DECIDED: to accept the bug report.

ACTION: Editor to implement the proposal in bug 29798 "Request for
clarification on built-in template rules for arrays" and fix the code
snippets which purport to show the effect of the built-in template
rule for arrays.

> 29796  [XSLT30] Keys and documents     Sat 17:17 

MHK agreed that there is a lack of orthogonality here, but argued that
it was a conscious design decision, and thus ought to be turned down
at this stage.

ABr suggested that a clarification might still be useful.

DECIDED: to close bug 29796 "Keys and documents" as INVALID.
ACTION: editor to implement the editorial suggestion in comment 2 of
bug 29796 "Keys and documents", and make the discussion of xsl:key
mention that keys cannot be used with unrooted trees (as already
mentioned in the discussion of fn:key().

At this point the hour had elapsed and we adjourned.

> 29732  [xslt30] Streamable stylesheet functions: shallow-descent example       2016-07-15
> 29747  [XSLT30] Allow the attribute xsl:stream/@streamable with a default of "yes"     2016-07-20
> 29752  [XSLT30]two accumulator examples using count(tokenize(., '\s+')) respectively count(tokenize(., '\W+')) to count words give odd results         2016-07-25
> 29790  [xslt30] Sample stylesheet for xml-to-json conversion uses a reserved namespace         2016-08-23
> 29793  [xslt30] stripping of type annotations on xsl:source-document   Thu 19:09

> 12 bugs found.

> 9. Test bugs

> From bugzilla awaiting bug ABr desires to be discussed.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2016 17:55:12 UTC