last() with grounded consuming sequences

I’ve been writing up the consensus we reached on use of last() with grounded consuming sequences (i.e. that it may cause buffering), and I wondered if a different solution might be better, along the following lines:

* In any focus-changing construct (§19.3), if the controlling operand is [grounded and] consuming, then the focus that is established for the controlled operands has an absent context size. When last() is evaluated with such a focus, it throws XPDY0002. (There’s a discussion going on in XQ about whether to turn this into a type error or static error; pragmatically, we could simply say that if the error can be detected statically then it can be reported statically.)

For example:

<xsl:for-each select=“/*/transaction/copy-of()”>
  <xsl:value-of select=“last()”/>

throws an error.

I put “[grounded and]” in brackets because it actually applies to all consuming sequences. But for consuming sequences that aren’t grounded we have existing rules that prevent the use of last().

* For avoidance of doubt, this also applies to xsl:merge-action: if any of the merge sources has streamable=“yes” then the body is evaluated with a focus whose context size is absent, so you can use position() but not last().

This means that if you want to use last() with such a construct, you have to put the sequence in a variable first. Or in the case of xsl:merge, you have to set streamable=“no”.

<xsl:variable name=“transaction-list”  select=“/*/transaction/copy-of()”/>
<xsl:for-each select=“$transaction-list">
  <xsl:value-of select=“last()”/>

It would be nice to do this without also preventing (position() = last()), but attempting that would make the idea too complicated.

Sorry, I know it’s late in the day to be raising this idea.

The basic difference with this proposal is that using last() in such circumstances will usually give you either a static error or a dynamic error when processing the first item, rather than an “out-of-memory” error when the sequence becomes too big to handle.

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 16 October 2015 11:44:50 UTC